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MHS presents "Twentieth Century Immigration in the Blackstone Valley: a Polish woman's tale"

The Millbury Historical Society Presents:

Zosia: A Polish Woman’s Tale in the Mills and Villages is the Story  of Every Immigrant Blackstone Valley Man & Woman . Join Helen Rawinski Blazis as she performs a one-person act recounting her grandmother’s leaving Poland in 1912, coming to Grafton and working in the mills integral to the Industrial Revolution. “I talk about working in the mills, and living in the villages, built by the mill owners for their employees. I speak about the disease and pollution which the immigrants encountered. The story of Zosia is the story of every man and woman who came to the Blackstone River valley to work the textile mills. I include a power point presentation which shows the families and homes of the early 1900s.”

Thursday, September 15 at 7:00 PM at The Asa Waters Mansion

All are invited. Refreshments to follow.

Earlier Event: September 15
Friends of Asa Waters Gift Shoppe open
Later Event: September 16
Millbury Moonlit Movies Series